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Submitting Work


Step 1: Locate the Agenda...

This will be in the name of the class. by selecting the class, it allows you to access the start page.





Step 2: Locate the Project Briefcase...

You will then have to locate the activity that you will be submitting work too.


Step 3: Select the Activity...

By selecting the activity, you will gain access to the overview of the assignment. 


Step 4: Getting to editing...

Press the words located beside the overview button, that says," Work and Assessment". This will take you to the place where you can submit.


Step 5: Submitting Work...

Press the words," Edit Submission". This will allow you to either copy and paste your document, or to attach a file to the task.


Step 6: Saving your Work...

When done inserting work, you can press the Save and Submit button. This will allow you to make sure that your submission was completed. From there, you can exit the page, and move on.

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